Privately prove or selectively disclose information to distributors and suppliers using Polygon ID, to personalize, augment or smoothen the travel experience.

Identity is the foundational layer in the travel industry, and at Polygon ID, we provide a unique opportunity to develop, test, and showcase cases based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).

In this DeCode Hackathon, we invite you to use Polygon ID toolset to represent identity-based information as verifiable credentials enabling travelers to prove attributes from their identity without giving up their private data.

Polygon ID Mentor for DeCode 2024:

Polygon ID Judge for DeCode 2024:

1️⃣ Challenge 1:  Privacy and Personalisation: Creating Travel Experiences of Tomorrow

Problem Statement

Service Suppliers cannot personalize the service offered to the Traveler unless the Traveler shares some personal information with the Distributor.

*Service Suppliers as any provider of travel or tourism services such as Hotels, Airline companies etc…

*Distributor is a intermediare platform where the customer can compare different services suppliers offers.


With Polygon ID, the Travelers can define and manage their travel preferences. This will enable the Travelers to selectively disclose their preferences with the Supplier, who will personalise the Traveler’s experience, without sharing any personal information with the Distributors.

Bonus points (extension of the challenge)